Saturday, December 26, 2009

Am I mad at you? That's your main concern after shattering my whole world? Mad for what? Breaking my heart? Or for all the lies? Maybe for letting me put all my trust in you only to be betrayed? How about the fact you didn't even have the decency to tell me to my face? Or the way you think it's crazy that I'm crying over it cause to you breaking up is no big deal. Am I mad at you?... no. More like crushed... did I ever really know you?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

.i really2 love her hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
.her style and all.
.her hair is so damn cool.
.EMO time.

.have u ever been in love?.
.horrible isn't it?.
.it makes u so vulnerable.
.it open ur chest.
.and it opens up your heart.
.and it means that sumone can get inside u.
.and mess u up.
.you build up all these defenses.
.you build up a whole suit of armor.
.so that nothing can hurt you.
.then one stupid person.
.no different from any other stupid person.
.wanders into your stupid life.
.you give them a piece of you.
.they didn't ask for it.
.they did something dumb one day.
.like kiss u or smile at u.
.and then ur life isn't ur own anymore.
.love takes hostages.
.it gets inside u.
.it eats u out and.
.leaves u crying in the darkness.
.so simple a phrase like.
.maybe we should be just friends.
.turns into a glass splinter.
.working its way into ur heart.
.it hurts.
.not just in the imagination.
.not just in the mind.
.it's a soul-hurt.
.a real gets-inside-u-and-rips-u-apart.
.i hate love.

.i hate that i hv to cry over sumone.
.damn it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

.AKU neyh CAMWHORE skit.
.lyke i care.

.fes time neyh weyh.
.aku tgok org wat blog cm best je.
.so aku pown nk try gak neyh.
.i have no idea actually.
.sje buang mase jap.
.pas neyh nk wat turorial.
.penat weyh.